Bible Studies

Bible Studies (or Sabbath School) have four areas of emphasis: faith, fellowship, community, and world mission. Traditionally, Bible Studies are presented in a lecture format. However, with different learning styles, some Bible Studies use different presentation formats, such as small group discussion, to engage members.
Why Study the Bible?
Research done by Baylor University found that Christians who read the Bible are more likely to actively seek social and economic justice, believe it's important to consume or use fewer goods, and are less likely to view religion and science as incompatible.
Another study published in the Mental Health, Religion and Culture journal, showed "Bible reading makes a small but unique contribution to promoting a sense of purpose in life among [13-15-year-olds]."
Those aren't the only reasons Adventists study the Bible. We read the Bible to get to know the God who loves us; to learn from the stories and experiences of others; to discover the history of our origins; to be amazed by prophecy; to gain insight on how to live our lives; and to read God's many promises that give us hope, peace, and confidence.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.