Planned Giving

The ministry of Planned Giving and Trust Services was organized to assist anyone with achieving their stewardship, estate planning objectives and have a specific desire to benefit God’s work in the WA Conference in a meaningful way. Our goal is to provide information you need to make informed decisions and help you orchestrate a plan that fits within your ability to give and provide for your family. This includes the preparation of a Will and/or Family Living Trust, and ancillary documents such as Durable Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, a Living Will or Health Care Directive and Community Property Agreement.
It is never too late to start planning for your future and the future of those you care about.
Gifts to Consider
- Tithe
- Adventist Community Services
- Evangelism
- Children's Ministries
- Sunset Lake Camp
- Video Production
- Health Ministry
- Christian Education K-12
- Women's Ministry
- Pathfinders
- Sabbath School
- And More!
Ready for an Appointment?
Make sure you have what you need!
Make an Appointment!
NOTE: Appointments average one (1) hour.