120 Ministry Ideas

You are looking for ways to get involved in ministry, and wondering what the options are. Here's a good place to start with 120 ministry ideas! How is God calling you to serve?
Ministry for a target group
1. Second-time visitors to church
2. Close relatives and friends of new converts
3. People going through divorce
4. Those who feel a need for a recovery group (alcohol, tobacco, sexual, etc.)
5. First-time parents
6. Terminally ill
7. Couples with marriage problems
8. Parents with problem children
9. New residents to the community
10. Recently unemployed
11. Those with major financial problems
12. Adult care residents
13. Attorneys
14. Blind
15. Children
16. Children in the church
17. Children of parents going through divorce
18. Church neighbors
19. Deaf
20. Disaster victims
21. Ethnic group
22. Factory workers
23. Foreign university students
24. Former church members
25. Foster children/orphans
26. Grieving
27. Homeless
28. Junior high students
29. Medical doctors
30. Millionaires
31. Movie/TV starts
32. Native Americans
33. Neighbors
34. Pastors of other denominations
35. People with AIDS
36. Political leaders
37. Poor
38. Prisoners
39. Prisoners' families
40. Professional athletes
41. Refugees
42. Senior citizens
43. Senior high students
44. Servicemen and women
45. Shut-ins
46. Sick
47. Singles
48. Specific neighborhood
49. Tourists
50. Unemployed
Ministry through a Type of Activity
51. Adventurer club
52. Aerobics group
53. Amazing Facts home Bible class
54. Basketball team
55. Bible Bowl
56. Bible reading marathon
57. Big Brother/Big Sister
58. Breathe Free program (stop smoking clinic)
59. Building/construction
60. Businessmen's luncheon
61. Cable TV ministry
62. Camping place for the homeless
63. Child care during worship service
64. Church beautification
65. Clowns
66. Computer classes
67. Cooking school
68. Day camp
69. Day care
70. Disaster Response - basic needs volunteering
71. Disaster Response - child care
72. Disaster Response - medical
73. Disaster Response - psychological
74. Disaster Response - long term recovery
75. Drama
76. Eager Beavers club
77. Evangelistic series
78. Film/video production
79. Finance seminar
80. Food/Toy distribution
81. Graphic art
82. Horseback riding
83. Holiday special events (nativity, Easter pageant)
84. Ingathering
85. Internet/Social Media evangelism
86. Ladies tea
87. Language school
88. Literature distribution (GLOW tracts)
89. Master Guide club
90. Matthew 9:10 parties
91. Medical Cadets Corps
92. Men's Summit
93. Music
94. Music concerts
95. Music/Drama Cantata near Christmas/Easter/9-11 Remembrance
96. Music in the Park
97. Neighborhood home parties
98. Nutrition classes
99. Pathfinder club
100. Peer counseling
101. Prayer breakfast
102. Preaching teams
103. Publishing tracts
104. Puppets
105. Radio broadcasting
106. Referrals to government agencies
107. Revelation/prophecy seminars
108. Search & Rescue team
109. Shopping center booth
110. Softball team/league
111. Soup kitchen
112. Story hour
113. Stress relief seminar
114. Tattoo removal ministry
115. Telephone chaplain
116. Temperance programs
117. Tutoring
118. Volleyball team
119. Website
120. Weight control class
121. Youth coffee shop/cafe
122. [Insert your ministry ideas here]
Give Washington Conference a call at 253-681-6008 to talk with a ministry leader about available resources!
This list was originally developed by Dan Serns for the North Pacific Union Conference.