Executive Orders
By Doug Bing, Washington Conference president

The news has been full of stories regarding the plethora of executive orders that have been coming out of the new administration.
Depending on your view, you may be supportive of or aghast at the different orders. Whatever your view, the orders have come fast and furious and have different governmental agencies scrambling to keep up and to try and understand how the orders pertain to them. The news agencies have had a field day trying to choose which orders to feature and how they are defined. Press conferences try to explain them or even downplay them. It is an interesting time we live.
Did you know that Christians have a very important executive order that has been given to us?
. . . but be filled with the Spirit.
Notice the wording of this phrase. It is in the imperative, which means that it is an executive order from the King of Kings. This is something that God wants for us, and we are being told that this is a must for those walking with Jesus.
Luke 11 tells us that God wants to give us the Spirit. This is not something God wants to withhold from us. He wants us to have it.
If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!
We are told to be filled with the Spirit, and we are told that we need to ask for the Spirit. In its original Greek, it basically tells us to keep being filled. Don’t just ask once.
Keep asking for this special gift of God each and every day.
The most important executive order for us as followers of Jesus is to be filled with the Spirit. It starts with us asking daily for that indwelling. Let us all join together and be filled with the Spirit as we seek for Pentecost in our lives.