May We Become a "Going" and "Growing" Church for Jesus
By Doug Bing, Washington Conference president

A young person we know once purchased a t-shirt emblazoned with the words “Pacific North Wet” instead of “Pacific North West.” It seemed then (and now) like an appropriate description for our area! During this time of year when it’s mostly clouds and rain, the sun is a rare sight that leaves you wanting to feel the warm sunshine.
It seems like our world, in general, is in a dark place as well. We have challenges in society that seem only to become more complex as time goes by. We have acrimony taking place throughout our government between political parties and even within our church structure. Social media is filled with people taking potshots at each other regardless of someone’s feelings. The news continues to be filled with horrific crimes, tragedies, and issues of race relations.
Yet this time of year is about one of the brightest lights that has ever shown on this earth. The world celebrates the Christ child. Sadly, many don’t even know what’s being celebrated or why the story of Jesus’ birth is the greatest story ever told. That’s where we come into the picture. Jesus commissioned us to be a group of believers that go into the world.
Matthew 28:19 says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations. . .” This is our commission. If we know Jesus and why His light is the brightest, then we can go out into our communities and share Him. Jesus told people to come to Him if we’re tired, weary, and need rest (Matt. 11:28). But once we have come to Jesus, He tells us to go. We are to be a going church; Going into the highways and byways and to the rich and the poor with the reason for the season.
Washington Conference is blessed in that our mission field is made up of many nationalities and people groups that have settled right here. We currently have 13 language groups that worship in this territory.
Yet there are neighborhoods where many still don’t know Jesus and aren’t close to a church that is reaching out to them. We have churches that need to be filled and we have neighborhoods that need new churches planted.
Most of all, we need the light and Spirit of Jesus filling our lives so that we will be a great reflection of Jesus and be that “going” and “growing” church.
May the new year find you where Jesus calls you to help someone find their walk with Jesus!