More Home
By Jennifer Bullion, Washington Conference Children's and Women's Ministries director

I have a two-year old son.
Recently the worst happened–he dropped a nap (cue the violins as I wail and gnash my teeth!) My four hours of toddler-less time has been reduced to a measly two. What’s more, the one nap has come with HARD wake ups complete with the three C’s – crying, clinging, and confusion of which I counter with a fourth C: cuddles.
One time, as the cuddling commenced, my son’s confusion turned me to contemplation.
Consolingly I asked, “What do you need?”
He blubbered, “I want to go home!”
Normally, this would be an easy fix, except for the fact that WE WERE ALREADY HOME! I rubbed his little back and explained this. Yet he persisted: “I want to go home!” Maybe he wants to be somewhere in our home, I thought and asked if he’d like to go to his room. “No!” The kitchen? “No!” Mom and Dad’s room? “No!” The laundry room? “No!”
Then, most disgustedly he howled, “I want to go MORE home!!!!”
I then extended an offering of a peanut butter sandwich (or “sammich” in Baby Bullion speak) open-faced, crustless, and quartered which he accepted. Crisis averted.
As he ate and quietly sniffled, I thought back on what just occurred.
Are we home?
Hebrews 11:16, speaking of God’s people, says:
…They desire a better country, that is, an heavenly…
Jesus declared he is preparing a place for us (John 14:2-3) by His work in the heavenly sanctuary–preparing us to take the place Lucifer and his angels forfeited.
…the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven (for them).
Biblically, the house, the city, the country, and the world in which I live is not my home, and it’s not intended to be yours either. As the old hymn says, we’re “just a’passing through.” Am I as desirous of going “MORE home” that, like my son, I’m desperate for it? Am I so desirous to be home with Jesus that how I do life reflects that desire? How about you?