Setting on the Shelf
By Pam Scott, Washington Conference associate treasurer and risk manager

We put lots of things on our shelves, in our cupboards.
Things that we use but put away when they are not in use. Usually that is a good thing. It keeps our spaces neat and orderly.
But what about God?
Do we try to keep Him neat and orderly too? Do we talk to Him in the morning, maybe at night; say a blessing for our meals? Is He kept on a shelf the rest of the day? In our minds do we imagine it would get messy if He guided every part of our day? God says He will carry our burdens, give us peace, fight our enemies for us, and that sounds good. Right? Take a moment and recognize the things we are trying to handle on our own. Stop and have a conversation with yourself about your own fears, and then take God off the shelf and bring him with you all day long.