The Sock Drawer
By Doug Bing, Washington Conference president

Do you have a sock drawer?
You know, a drawer filled with your socks that get all jumbled together no matter how you try to organize them? If truth be told, I don’t even try to organize them. My wife makes attempts at organizing my sock drawer, but it is usually to no avail. My closet is fairly organized and other things in life are as well. My sock drawer…not so much.
In my sock drawer you will find all manner of socks.
There are socks for different seasons, socks with different themes, socks with animals, socks with birds and there are plenty of just plain socks with nothing on them. My daily practice is rather simple. The sock drawer is opened, and the first pair my hand touches is the pair that is worn that day. Very little thought is given to the socks being worn that day. I never worry about what socks to wear, and there are always socks in the drawer.
Thus a few weeks ago I found myself wearing Christmas themed socks on one of the hottest days so far this summer. My sweet wife told me later that she had even tried to push the Christmas socks to the back of the drawer, but somehow, I reached in and grabbed them. Wearing those socks was a fun way of celebrating Christmas in July and brought a smile several times through the day.
Matthew 6:25 is a good reminder of things far more important than socks.
Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
There are many things going on in our turbulent world: political strife, family strife, wars, rumors of wars, natural disasters, and much more. All things that can cause worry.
Each day, however, we can have a daily walk with Jesus.
Putting Him on so to speak. Letting Him cover our lives with His and not worry about the socks on our feet or any other thing that is going on in our lives. Instead, we can smile in the celebration of Christ daily in our lives.
This week, add a few moments more in your time with Jesus. Talk just a bit more with Him. Read a bit more about Him. Meditate a bit longer on His life. Let Him live out His life in you and smile in the wearing of Jesus’ life over yours.