What Altar Do You Need To Build?
By Doug Bing, president

Remodeling is not something I enjoy at all.
It is very depressing to me when something wears out in our house, and it is obvious that it needs to be replaced, rebuilt, or remodeled. I don’t like the mess or the work of having to remodel anything. Last year, we went through the agony of remodeling our kitchen and putting new flooring in our house. Currently, one of our bathrooms is totally dismantled and is in the process of being redone since the shower developed a leak, and the floor was rotten by the time we found the problem.
Most days, I don’t even want to go home and look at the mess.
I’m glad my son seems to enjoy the project and has taken the lead. For all the hassle, it is clear the work needs to be done, and the room needs to be remodeled and rebuilt.
The story of Elijah rebuilding the altar of God on Mount Carmel was a favorite of mine as a child.
Then Elijah said to all the people, ‘Come near to me.’ So all the people came near to him. And he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down.
This is a story that came out of a painful experience for Israel. Coming at the end of a drought and famine, they all gathered around the prophet as he rebuilt the altar of God. The altar was broken down and in total disrepair. That evening it was rebuilt, and God showed up in a mighty way. Before the night was over, God not only accepted the offering, but the drought was over, and the people were convinced that He was their God.
So, the question we have to ask ourselves is, "What altars do we need to rebuild?"
The gathering for private time with God each day is the place to start. Reading the Bible, reflecting, rejoicing, and, yes, even remonstrating with God about the things in your life is the most important altar to spend time at each day.
It is vital for a vibrant walk with God.
Take time to rebuild it if needed. Take time to rebuild it with your family. Take time to rebuild it with your church. As we unite in prayer for Pentecost as a conference, please take time to reflect on any altars that may need to be repaired or rebuilt. In the quietness of your home, pause to rebuild and meet God and see how He works in your life.