Children's Bible Study Resources

Produced by Voice of Prophecy, these easy-to-follow Bible prophecy guides make the Bible come to life. Continue studying with Focus on Revelation study guides.

It Is Written wants to help anchor children in the Word of God. These guides explain the plan of salvation, how to have a relationship with Jesus, and the major Bible themes.

Packed with activities, this series is excellent for both kids and adults. Details of the earthly sanctuary and the heavenly sanctuary are presented side by side in an easy-to-understand format, with study texts & references.

Your Story Hour's Adventures in the Holy Bible are fun and educational. As you complete the lessons, you'll earn the stories in their Life of Jesus Album for FREE! Also check out their FREE audio stories on the Bible, History, and more here.

Prophecy for Kids by Amazing Facts teaches prophecy from the fall of Babylon to the last days, your kids will see their future is an exciting one and will learn that putting their faith in Jesus today is the most important thing they can do! Find more kids resources from Amazing facts here.

God Loves me 28 Ways is a Bible Study series produced by the North American Division that goes through the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist church. This is a dynamic set of studies that are perfect for
preparing children for baptism.
Find more Adventist children's resources here.