Kids On A Mission

One of the best ways to spend time as a family is by serving others together. Our communities have many humanitarian needs, and volunteers associated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church seek to make a meaningful difference in the lives of their neighbors. See each family member grow closer to Jesus as you all act as His hands and feet in our local communities together.
Sharing is Caring
GLOW - Giving Light to Our World is a ministry whose aim is to activate believers across the globe in spreading the gospel through small pocket-size tracts on such subjects as salvation, health, prayer, prophecy, and the reliability of the Bible. Check out these tracts specifically designed for kids!

Kids Gift Catalog
“Every action matters in the lives of refugees and other displaced people struggling to survive in the absence of basic necessities such as food, shelter, and safety. We cannot turn a blind eye or remain silent in the face of their anguish. World Refugee Day serves as a reminder that we must all work together to end the difficulties and adversities that millions of refugees and host communities face," says ADRA International President Michael Kruger.
“As ADRA celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, our global organization remains devoted to providing life-saving humanitarian services to refugees and displaced persons, women, children, and families around the world. Let us mark World Refugee Day and World Refugee Sabbath with justice, compassion, and love to achieve a brighter future for all, regardless of where they come from or what they have endured, so that all may live as God intended.”
-- Michael Kruger, ADRA International President
It Is Written Mission Trips
Connecting People with Jesus
Make an eternal difference in the life of another through an It Is Written mission trip! Join It Is Written on a life-transforming mission trip experience and bring healing, hope, and the gospel to others. You will witness miracles of grace as God uses you to reach the hearts of those who need Him most!

Sign up yourself, your family, or a group from your church or school. Most trips will involve medical clinics, construction projects, evangelism, and children’s VBS. There is something for everyone to contribute no matter what your talents and skills might be. Each country has differing requirements depending on the location.
Please note that COVID regulations may differ from location to location, and we will endeavor to follow local guidelines and use common sense principles. Trip logistics may uncontrollably shift at any given time, so the flexibility of our groups is essential.
The GLOW tract ministry has been working for years to get everyone involved in carrying tracts with them wherever they go in daily life so they are ready to give it out as God opens opportunities. This is still our primary emphasis, but we have recently seen the need to develop a more intense and challenging approach. Millions of people are gathering at large events across the globe and only a hand full of Adventists are sometimes there to take advantage of these meetings for the spreading of the message. GLOW has intentions, by God’s grace, to change this. This website showcases some of the previous mission trips that GLOW has organized where we have distributed literal millions of tracts at large events with only small groups of committed Adventists. These mission trips are intense and totally non-comfort zone in nature. Check out the website to learn about the various mission trips being organized by GLOW or its affiliate groups and pray about signing up for one yourself. You’ll be challenged, but if you stick through it, you’ll make a huge impact in thousands of lives.

ADVENTIST FRONTIER MISSIONS KIDS' EDITION: Ever dream of being a missionary? Well, great missionaries start young, and now is the time to start allowing God to prepare you for future adventures in His service! Here you will find recipes from around the world, puzzles and activities, fun facts about unreached people groups, a special magazine for kids, and your very own secret mission.
Are you ready to get serious about missions? Pick your secret mission now!
- Mission #1: Foreign Agent
- Mission #2: Cosmic Weapon
- Mission #3: Rally the Troops!
- Mission #4: World Changer