Day 8: Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?

Lord, are you asking us this question about our relationship with you? There have been times when it seemed our problems were overwhelming—too great for even You. But the truth is, they were too great for us. Hearts were too hard. Wounds too deep. But the things that are impossible with humans are possible with You. Thank you, Lord for not being intimidated by our problems. Thank you that nothing is too hard for You. Amen.
Alter Your Altar (Ideas for Family Worship)
Fun with forgiveness: Each of you take a piece of paper and draw two vertical lines, making three columns. Label one column: “Too hard for the Lord…”. Label the next column: “I’m thankful for…”. Label the third column: “Forgive me for…”. Do your best to fill the page in 5 minutes. Then read one item from each column taking turns until you finish. End with prayer.
WE WANT YOUR STORIES and photos! What has God taught you during the last 7 days? How has this challenge altered your altar? What has changed? Where have you grown relationally and spiritually since starting the challenge? Please let us know how this experience has blessed you. Take a photo of your family at worship and submit it here for use in future postings. Know that you are in our prayers.
Grace and Peace.