Day 8

Read & Reflect
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
How does this scripture apply to your marriage? Reflect on this when you and your spouse come together for prayer.
Pray Together
Lord, help us to open our eyes to see that conflicts in our relationship are often the result of spiritual warfare. It's not that the devil makes us quarrel or treat each other badly. It's our own stubbornness, temper, tongue, or selfishness that is to blame. But the enemy certainly takes advantage, and his purpose is to destroy our home and everyone in it.
In our marriage, help us as a couple to put on the 'whole armor of God' every day and to stand our ground in your love. Help us not to fight each other, but to fight for each other. Amen.
8 Ways to Make Love to Your Wife...Outside the Bedroom
From Under the Sheets, by Dr. Kevin Leman
Set up a shopping date for errands and provide the cash or credit card.
Clean the basement and the garage.
Pick up your own, hers, and the kids' messes.
Wash the dishes. (Do you know how sexy you look to your wife with a dish towel over your shoulder?)
Don't pee on the toilet seat or leave the lid up so she falls in at 3 am.
Always ask her for her opinion.
Take the kids to their dentist and doctor appointments. In fact, just take the kids anywhere...
Hire a limo to pick her up for her birthday dinner.
Today's Challenge
Text Tuesday: Send a text message to your beloved today letting them know you love them and are praying for them.
- Pray for at least 5 minutes together as a couple.
- Do something to bless your spouse today.
- Share a 15-second kiss.