A Gift of Life, a Gift of Light
By Doug Bing, Washington Conference president

My heart was warmed recently when the news featured a father and his son from Lincoln, Nebraska, who went to a busy intersection, parked their car, set up a table and then erected a sign that said, “Free toilet paper and hand sanitizer for the elderly.”
My heart was warmed when the news featured a young girl who saw a call for the public to sew protective masks for hospital workers. They were approved-style masks that could be sanitized and reused. She talked to her grandma and they set up two sewing machines and started to work sewing masks.
My heart was warmed when I spoke to my parents who are up in years and heard that the neighbor across the street was checking up on them and offering to bring them supplies if they needed.
Stories like this are happening across the nation right now as people pull together to help each other in this time of health crisis. Of course, there are other stories of those who hoarded supplies and now are trying to sell those same supplies at very inflated prices.
The Bible tells us about the greatest gift that was ever given. Isaiah 42:6 states,
I the Lord have called You in righteousness, and will hold your hand; I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles.
This is a prophecy about the gift of Jesus to the world. He was a gift to everyone, and it was to be a light to the world.
In fact, this text specifically broadened the minds of the Jews when it said the light was to go to the Gentiles as well.
During this time of crisis, we can be and should be pointing people to the greatest gift of all, Jesus. We can point people who are anxious, sick, worried, and fearful to the great light of Jesus. Let us be reflectors of that light during this time.