An Open Door
By Jerry Russell, vice president for finance

Revelation 3:8 says,
I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept my word, and have not denied my name.
Think of the image of a door. It can mean security, or privacy, or safety, but in this passage, it means none of these things. This door is open and is symbolic of boundless opportunities, of limitless chances to do something worthwhile. Full of opportunities to do good, to make our lives count for eternity, and to do what God has asked each of us to do: be a blessing.
Our God is the God of the open door.
Open doors come to us as blessings, not because of our openness, boldness, or strength. Open doors are always a gift of grace. God gives us an open door to bless others. His blessings are not for us to keep, they are to be given away.
In September of 2013, the San Francisco Chronicle tells the story of Linda Wilson-Allen, a bus driver in the city. The article described how she just loves the people on her bus. She knows the regulars, learns their names, will wait for them if they’re late, and will make up the time.
An elderly woman named Elsie had some grocery bags she was struggling with, and Linda got out of her driver’s seat to carry Elsie’s bags onto the bus. Now, Elsie lets other busses pass so she can ride with Linda.
There was another lady named Tonya at a bus shelter. Linda could tell Tonya was a stranger in town. Tonya seemed lost and unsure what to do. It was near Thanksgiving, so Linda stopped the bus, yelled out the door,
“You’re here by yourself, come over to my place for Thanksgiving and spend it with me and the kids.”
She has developed such a community on that bus that she is constantly receiving gifts.
Driving in the city can be very stressful. How does she maintain this attitude? The article says her mood is set at 2:30 every morning when she gets down on her knees to pray for 30 minutes for the people who are going to ride her bus that day. She says God has been so good to her that she has to do what she can to bless others.