Living in Life's Rain
By #GrowingLeaders devotional metaphor by Doug Bing, Washington Conference president

A number of years ago when we first moved to Washington state, I suffered weather shock.
Weather shock is a bit like culture shock when you move to a new country or place and it is much different than what you are used to. Weather shock is much like that.
We moved from the flatlands of Kansas. I was born and raised in Kansas and had served in ministry in either Kansas or Nebraska my entire ministry.
In those two states the weather is entirely different. When it rains, it rains hard and gets the storm over with and then life moves on. The sun comes out. The clouds move on. The wind dies down and life goes on.
Washington provided weather shock to me.
In fact, the year that we moved here we set some kind of record for the most days without seeing the sun. That was a real welcome to Washington.
One day stuck in a very long commute in the middle of that record setting time of cloudy days I remember having a conversation with God. It was raining. The interstate was crowded. Cars were moving at a snail’s pace.
So it was just me and God talking.
I looked at those clouds and the drizzle on my windshield and I asked God a simple question: Did you really want me to move here?
I don’t remember getting an answer that day. It was still a gloomy day and we didn’t see the sun for many days afterwards. However, I was happy to have a God that I could feel comfortable with in order to express my doubts, frustration and questions.
Now a number of years later, I am no longer facing weather shock. Instead, I like the cool days, yes even the cloudy days. Don’t worry — I love the sunshiny days as well. I go for walks in the rain and don’t let a little moisture get in the way of living life. Several times my wife and I have even commented after a few days of sunshine that it sure would be nice to have it cloud over and rain.
Hosea 10:12 tells us to seek a different kind of rain.
Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord. Till He comes and rains righteousness on you.
God wants us to live as He lived on this earth and fully reflect Him. And then there is this concept of the rain of righteousness on us.
When you are walking in the rain of righteousness you are living life to the fullest as a person the represents God and what He had planned for this world. You see before sin entered this world God’s creation walked in His righteousness. After sin entered, we still have the same opportunity.
It’s been a tough week for many families who senselessly lost their loved ones – little or big.
It’s been a rainy season in life for a neighbor or colleague who may be facing elder care issues, childcare issues, housing issues, family issues, employment issues, or a myriad of other trials and obstacles in life.
This week, whether you walk in the sunshine or the rain of life, let the rain of God’s righteousness flood over you. Better yet in your journey, take someone with you on that walk.