No More Debates
By Doug Bing, Washington Conference president

67 million people tuned in to watch the recent presidential debate.
I was not one of that number. Depending on who you read or listen to, you could find two different opinions on who supposedly won the debate. Suffice it to say, it was an epic wrestling for dominance as each tried to prove to the public that they were most fit for the highest public office of the land.
Now it seems that one of the candidates has stated there will be no more debates. Frankly, I am grateful. This is not a political post to encourage you to vote one way or another. That is your business.
However, as a church maybe we could also adopt that idea as well.
No more debates.
This doesn’t mean we can’t have different opinions and ideas and have a healthy sharing of those ideas. However, the idea of debates means that one side wins and the other loses. Instead of unity it only causes more division as one side celebrates a victory and the other side faces defeat.
As we contemplate the idea of praying for Pentecost, it does us well to remember that as the disciples—who had been quite good at debating and wrestling for who was going to be the greatest—set all of their debates aside. According to Acts 2:1, they were all together with one accord. When that happened, the Holy Spirit fell in a way never seen before. A powerful sermon and reaping meeting followed, and the early Christian church began.
In writing about the event, Ellen White said,
Notice that it was after the disciples had come into perfect unity, when they were no longer striving for the highest place, that the Spirit was poured out. They were of one accord. All differences were put away.
We as a conference are joining with the entire North American Division in praying for Pentecost 2025, and it starts now. Not in 2025. Let us be in unity of mind and spirit as we seek to be used both individually and as a body of believers by the Holy Spirit in making a difference in our territory. May the Holy Spirit be poured out in a mighty way. May proclamation of the gospel of Jesus be done through us in however God chooses.
If you or your church would like more information regarding Pentecost 2025 and ways you can be involved, please contact Tyler Long at or talk to your local pastor. Let there be no more debates and wrestling for power and instead let us be praying with and for each other and our territory so that we can see the power of God working in a mighty way.