The Time is Now
By Doug Bing, Washington Conference president

How do you feel when someone mentions the end of the world? A Washington politician recently made the headlines as he announced that the world would end in 12 years. The focus of his statement wasn’t necessarily talking about the actual end of the world, but focusing on the impact of climate change and if nothing is being done about it, the world would end in 12 years. The politician was met with both praise and scorn, but it made me wonder how we feel about the end of time.
Theologians have made predictions, false christs have made predictions, and now politicians are making predictions…and the world, including the church, really has become immune to these claims.
The Adventist church was birthed from a renewed interest in the second coming of Jesus and the end of the world. We have been preaching this for a long time as well. We are very good at prophecy and we should be paying attention to fulfilled prophecy. No matter if Jesus comes in our lifetime or several lifetimes from now, we still need to be faithful in helping people prepare to see Jesus and to fall in love with Him. We are only given so many years on this earth and don’t know when Jesus will come again, so what better time is there to fall in love with Jesus than now?
Even the apostle Peter said the end of all things is near. Yet he focused on how to live in our world as we wait for Jesus to come. In 1 Peter 4:7-10 (NIV) it says, “The end of all things is near. Therefore, be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”
So, while we need to continue to be a church that shares about the prophetic truths of the Bible, we also are given clear instruction on how to live in our world so that others can know that we are Christian by our love.
Be clear minded and pray. Love each other deeply. Share hospitality. Use your gifts to serve others. This is the way to live. Yes, Jesus is coming. But let us not forget to live a positive Christ centered life of love and service to all those around.