Busy Bee Sabbath School

Below is how the Busy Bees curriculum can been adapted to the Sabbath School setting. The curriculum on its own does not include a Bible story in most meeting lessons. Below, Bible story suggestions along with Bible concepts are listed to accompany each lesson. Two things to note:
- The meeting lessons are not in order. This is to accommodate for a better flow in telling the Bible Story / Bible concept each Sabbath.
- The Bible concept is not only for the children. Remember this is family sabbath school, with parent who also need to be engage. Take time to think about how you would share this concept to help grow those parents, and ultimately those families.
The first eight lessons bring out lessons from the life of Abraham and asks how God is interacting in your personal life. Lessons 9-15 draw lessons from the parables of Jesus and discusses God's desires for you. Lessons 16-22 discuss stories of young people in the Bible and how families can glorify God in their lives.
My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.
1) Meeting 2: GOD'S MESSAGE TO ME
- God’s call to Abram (Genesis 12:1-9)
- What is God calling you to do in your life?
2) Meeting 7: MY FEELINGS
- Abram lies to Pharoah (Genesis 12: 10-20)
- Where in your life is God calling you to stand true?
3) Meeting 10: I HAVE A FAMILY
- Relationship between Abram and Lot (Genesis 11:31, 12:4, ch 13)
- Where in your life is God calling you to watch out for someone else?
4) Meeting 4: I AM SPECIAL
- God changes Abram’s Name (Genesis 17:1-14)
- How has God made you unique?
5) Meeting 5: GOD'S POWER IN MY LIFE
- Isaac is Born (Genesis 17:15-27)
- How has God shown His power in your life?
- Lot taken captive and Abraham’s rescue plan (Genesis 14)
- Where is God calling you to care for someone?
7) Meeting 13: FIRE SAFETY
- Destruction of Sodom and fate of Lot’s wife (Genesis 19:1-29)
- What in your life is God asking you to leave behind?
8) Meeting 1: GOD'S PLAN TO SAVE ME
- Abraham’s call to sacrifice Isaac (Genesis 22)
- How has God's plan to save you impacted your life?
Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man.
- God cares for the sparrows (Matthew 10:26-33)
- God knows me and my family
10) Meeting 19: FLOWERS
- Parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1–23, Mark 4:1–20, Luke 8:4–15) God wants me and my family to grow
11) Meeting 14: BE A GOOD FRIEND
- The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
- God wants me and my family represent Him
12) Meeting 6: BUTTERFLIES
- Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
- God transforms me and my family
13) Meeting 9: BUTTONS*
*Each truth of God’s word is like a button, together they hold the garment together.
- Parable of the Mustard Seed and The Leaven (Matthew 13:31-33, Luke 13:18-21)
- God wants me and my family to grow in our relationship with Him
14) Meeting 22: BIKE RODEO
- The Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:10-14, Luke 15:1-7)
- God will always care and seek after me and my family
15) Meeting 12: FISH
- Parable of sorting the fish for market (Matthew 13:47-50)
- God wants me and my family to be ready for Heaven
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
16) Meeting 15: CHURCH WORKERS
- Samuel helping in the temple (1 Samuel 1-3)
- Me and my family can help in our church
17) Meeting 8: I CAN CARE FOR MY BODY
- Daniel choice to care for his body (Danie 1)
- Me and my family can care for our bodies
18) Meeting 16: HELPING AT HOME
- Joseph is diligent no matter where he is (Genesis ch37, 39-41)
- Me and my family can do our best in all things to glorify God
19) Meeting 17: MAKING MUSIC
- King Jehoshaphat send the choir before the army (2 Chronicle 19,20; highlight 20:22)
- Me and my family can praise God even in hard times
20) Meeting 18: I’M AN ARTIST
- Bezalel builds the sanctuary (Exodus 31:1-11, ch36-39)
- Me and my family can be creative in God's service
21) Meeting 20: MAPPING
- Timothy traveling with Paul as a missionary (1 &2 Timothy)
- Me and my family can work together to spread the gospel
22) Meeting 21: CHRISTMAS
- Wiseman following the star (Matthew 2:1-12)
- Me and my family can always go to Jesus no matter where we are.