Time to settle in, it's family worship time! We want to encourage you and your kiddos to grow spiritually together by spending time with Jesus every day together. Here are some suggestions of our favorite books to read together for morning and evening family worship time! These are classic stories that will captivate and encourage your family in a relationship with your Savior--stories that make you go..."Amen!"





Here are some Creative Ideas for Family Worship to Help get your family Started!



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Interesting family worship is the most important factor in helping kids grow up loving Jesus.




                              Singer on the Sand

                                                            by Norma Youngberg


An incredible, true story of a missionary family who landed on Great Sangir Island, just south of the Philippines in the Pacific Ocean to teach islanders truth, loyalty and faith. At first the village people were suspicious of the newcomers but soon many grew to love and respect the Christian family. However, the witch doctor, the chief and many of the head men resented them being there. They decided to counteract the Christian influence by importing some Islamic leaders from an island nearby. The plot thickens when the Christians were confined to the seashore while most of the villagers climbed a mountain to escape a gigantic tidal wave that was created by an erupting volcano on an island close by. Read how God intervened and miraculously delivered his servants from serious accidents, destruction and immediate death. A very exciting and thrilling story!

Get the book here.




                              Clever Queen

                                                            by Eric B. Hare



This classic story recounts tales of the jungle and of devil worshipers, including a young girl known as Clever Queen. When she is only a baby, Clever Queen is sold for two bags of rice. Sick and in need of a doctor, she is taken by her new mother to the God worshipers Dispensary where she eventually finds help and healing. 

Get the book here.







                              Fire on the Mountain

                                                            by Norma Youngberg




In this mission adventure, first published 40 years ago, Norma Youngberg weaves a classic story about the struggle between good and evil in every heart. It's a story that's as fresh as ever for a new generation of young readers. With illustrations and vivid word pictures, Fire on the Mountain tells of a God so loving that no place is too far for Him to find - and no soul is too lost for Him to save.

Get the book here.




  A Thousand Shall Fall                           

 by Susi Hasel Mundy


The electrifying story of an Adventist family who dared to practice their faith in Hitler's Germany and saw God work miracle after miracle to save them from certain disaster.

Get the book here.









                              Broken Stick

                                                              by Eileen E. Lantry


Read a sample of the Broken Stick here.

Get the book here.