Day 25: Let There Be Singing!

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
“Let there be singing in the home, of songs that are sweet and pure, and there will be fewer words of censure and more of cheerfulness and hope and joy. Let there be singing in the school; and the pupils will be drawn closer to God, to their teachers, and to one another.
“As a part of religious service singing is as much an act of worship as is prayer. Indeed, many a song is prayer. If the child is taught to realize this, he will think more of the meaning of the words he sings and will be more susceptible to their power.” (Child Guidance, p. 523)
Alter Your Altar (Ideas for Family Worship)
- Play a game of “Name That Tune” or “Finish the Phrase.” Have someone start a spiritual hymn or song, and stop to see who can finish with the correct words and tune! Start easy and then start with verses that are seldom sung in church.
- Alternate game (much harder). If there’s more than four in the family, form small, even teams, and have a moderator assign random Psalms to the teams (E.G., Team A, your Psalm is 150; Team B, you’re Psalm 121; etc.). Give each team about 3 minutes to come up with a tune that they will sing with lyrics directly from the verses they choose from their assigned Psalm.
Please Pray . . .
- A prayer of praise directly from a Psalm (E.G., Psalm 103).
- For Sky Valley Adventist School.
- For Adventist Missionaries and their families.