Day 27: The Whole Enchilada

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?
Jesus asks this question at the end of His parable of the persistent widow who kept coming to the unjust judge asking for justice. So, the faith that Jesus is talking about is a persistent, determined calling on God with everything you’ve got.
It’s like Bob Kempainen, who, after qualifying for the marathon, puked all over his NIKE running shoes. Nike seized on the moment and used it to advertise their shoes. The ad spoke of how proud they were of Bob’s moment of glory. (Some might call it a moment of “gory.”) They chided the media for taking the camera’s off Bob and said, “They’ve got to accept the whole enchilada. And it’s a spitting, cussing, sweating, blister-breaking enchilada with extra cramps. Get used to it.”
Nike wasn’t selling shoes. They were selling desire, heart, effort, guts, and glory. Bob Kempainen, the runner, emptied the bucket and gave it all he had.
What about Randy Maxwell, the Christian? Do I? When it comes to faith as Jesus defined it—the persistent, determined calling on God in prayer with everything I’ve got, do I have it? When the going gets tough and the praying gets tougher, do I push through the cramps and the pain and keep on believing?
That’s what Jesus will look for when He comes. Those who are holding on to Him and won’t let go no matter what. Do you have faith today?
Alter Your Altar (Ideas for Family Worship)
- Share a moment of “glory” or “gory” and times when they merged into one experience. Has there been one of these moments in your walk with God? Play a version of “Truth or Dare,” instead using “Glory or Gory,” and let everyone choose one and share.
Please Pray . . .
- For faith that won’t quit no matter what.
- For your pastor and his or her family.
- That widows, widowers, and singles who may be struggling with loneliness.