Day 16

Read & Reflect
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Pray Together
Lord, teach us to honor and respect each other because of our reverence for You. Help us to see each other the way You do—as one for whom You died. Make our submission mutual and not in any way degrading or disrespectful. Amen.
Read Together
Excerpt from Lord Change Me, by Evelyn Christenson
"I have discovered through the years that surprising things happen when I pray, 'Lord, change ME--don't change my husband, don't change my children, don't change my pastor, change ME!'
This doesn't mean that I approve or even condone everything they do, but rather that I concentrate on how I handle my actions and reactions.
More and more the fact comes into focus that they, and not I, are responsible before God for their actions. But I am responsible for the changes that need to be made in ME." (p. 13)
Today's Blessing
Husbands Blessing Challenge
This is for husbands only. Men, today we will pray a blessing over our wives. They are not to pray for us today.
Today is men's day. Speak a blessing over your wife in prayer. It need not be long. You can use the priestly blessing in Numbers 6:22-27; or Prov. 31:10-31; or some other blessing you would like. Even something as simple as, "You are a blessing to me because_____"
And ask God to bless her. You have your assignment. Now, bless your wife.