Day 19

Read & Reflect
Is anything too hard for the Lord?
How does this scripture apply to your marriage? Reflect on this when you and your spouse come together for prayer.
Pray Together
Lord, are You asking us this question about our relationship? There have been times when it seemed our problems were overwhelming, too great for even You. But the truth is, they were too great for us. Hearts were too hard. Wounds too deep. But the things that are impossible with humans are possible with You. Thank You, Lord for not being intimidated by our problems. Thank You that nothing is too hard for You. Amen.
Delight Each Other
Two Days Left! Pull out all the stops! Pick one or more of these, or come up with your own.
Flowers. If you haven’t done this yet, now may be the time.
Dinner. Cook your beloved their favorite meal or dessert.
Eat by candlelight. Listen to your favorite music/artist as you eat.
Take your mate’s car for a wash.
Play games. Play your favorite card or board game and the loser has to do whatever the winner wants (within reason, of course).
Foot massage (or full-body; your choice).
Today's Challenge
10 Minutes of Reflection. Each of you take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle, making two columns. Label one column: “I’m thankful for...” Label the other column: “Forgive me for...” Do your best to fill the page in 10 minutes. Then read one item from each column taking turns until you finish. End with prayer.
- Pray for at least 5 minutes together as a couple.
- Do something to bless your spouse today.
- Share a 15-second kiss.